We provide all kinds of health certifications
We provide all kinds of health certifications with current standards
Medicals for the wind and renewables industry ( on and offshore)
- OGUK medical / Engelsk Attest
- Norsk Helse attest
- Attest Dansk sektor
- Chester Step Test
- Bideltoid measurement
- Swedish Medical (Mast och stolp) including fitness ECG
- Shoulder measurement
- Fitness ECG for working in the heights
- Bideltoid measurement
Medicals for offshore oil- and gas
- OGUK medical
- Chester Step Test (CST for smoke diving)
- Medical for the Danish sector ( TOTAL/HESS/INEOS certificates)
- Shoulder measurement
- Fit to train (CA-EBS)
Medicals for seafarers
- Danish seafarers medical (STCW approved)
- Blå Bog
- Liberian Medical
Medicals for remote locations and others
- Spirometri
- Drugtest
We will return all calls, SMS,
and e-mails within 1 hour
08:00 – 20:00
Monday to Sunday